
Animecon 2011

Am I late or what.... :--D I'm sorry for being lazy updater~

Last weekend we were at Animecon. First I thought not to go there but then me and Ella decided to do this Takarazuka cosplay. I think we did kinda well since we had only 3 weeks and though my wig was wrong color (at least I got my money back..) and my boots never arrived in time.. :D


Omg Paris proposed to me.

We also found new friends who matched to our colors 8D 

I really don't have much to say about A-con, the program sucked (as always in A-con..) so we just hanged out there. We went to watch some Hetalia show that Melsa and Maria asked us to see (because they were playing there too) and it almost made me like Hetalia because it really wasn't that yaoi-stuff I really hate :D I tried to take pics of cool cosplays but always when I saw some and was about to go ask for a pic, we were asked for a pic too.. XD 


PICS from last weekend

Hello! Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been really busy doing this!

 8D I hope we'll see the finished cosplay in Animecon!

Because I don't have too much time there's just pics today.

 I also got my new purple circle lenses on Monday! I think I'll do some review later ^^ lol I look like an alien :---D 



Moi halusin vaan äkkiä näyttää teille kauniin kuontaloni kun en jaksa tässä helteessä muuten vielä päivitellä :----D Mulla oli kyllä aluks ajatuksena sellanen vaaleempi ja haaleempi violetti, mutta niinkun edellisessä postauksessa saattoi huomata niin se ei oikeen onnannut.. Joten kävin sit ostamassa vähän tummempaa väriä ja tykkään tästäkin kyllä ihan sikana! 8D

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