
Hot Week, Hot Week!

Last week was the best week ever! ;___; Ella was here and we had so much fun that the muscles on my stomach hurts so bad haha. I think we didn't do anything special, just watched Takarazuka musicals for 18+18 hours, ate shitloads of candies, shopped a little and laughed way too much. I wish we could meet more often..

Ughhh. First Zuka sleepover on monday and too much candy.

Hello there Tybalt..

After sleeping two hours we just...did nothing? Took stupid webcam pictures. I didn't know it's possible for me to look like that.

New mean and greasy Disney villain! Ok what.


Sergei Diaghilev?

Ok so next day it was time for some shopping. We also checked out new Kluuvi, but I think you've seen those pictures enough on other blogs. It was nice to look more girlish again.

Long time no see, my dear PIUpro ♥

I actually found something! More beanies for me again haha~ But I couldn't resist that Stitch.

And some webcamwhoring again.


And again Zuka sleepover and foooood.

I think that was it. What an anticlimax ending lol. I have done something for my layout since I just couldn't stand the orange one anymore and now I have no idea how that looks with other computers.. :--D


❧my little nerd corner❧

I've been thinking about showing my nerd corner for you, and now I got it clean enough so I took some pics! :3 (usually there's pencils, drawings & paper, food and make up products all over my desk haha..) 
When I still had PC I got used to have 2 monitors, so that's why there's an extra one plugged in my Macbook.
On the wall there's some purikura pictures (to make my days better~) and cute little clothespins holding notes. ♥

Annd my zebrah or something deco! I spent like 20 hours making this... ??

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